Kurze Sprüche zum Thema Englische - Seite 12

Sweet candies are easy to buy, sweet words are easy to say but a sweet person like you is hard to find.

Don't love one boy, don't love two boys, love the boy who loves you.

Make love not war. Condoms are cheaper then guns.

If raindrops could tell how much I miss you it would rain all day!

An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.

Time never stands still, the moment drifts away and the one you have not used you have not lived.

If today was perfect, there would be no need for tomorrow.

It's easy to get love. It's easy to loose love. But it is hard to forget love.

Better a blowjob than no job.

Love begins with a smile goes on with a kiss and ends with tears. Love is like a war, it's easy to begin hard to end and never to forget!
