The Earlkönig

Ein Gedicht von Sepp Höltschl
Who’s driving on the Highway so wild,
It’s a father with his child,
They are driving very cool,
on the Road to Liverpool.

My child, what is the problem now,
Hey father, out of window schau.
The King Earl, there you can see,
from the Royal Family.

“My lovely child, please come with me,
I have computer games for free.
And a McDonalds Happy Meal,
Come on, my boy, lets make the deal.”

My father, my father, he promised a game,
And also McDonalds, please let me explain,
Such a chance I had never before.
I will wait a few minutes, he will promise much more.

And so King Earl, became the boy,
For Happy Meal, and for a toy.
and what’s he with the child had done,
you’ll read tomorrow in the SUN.

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